Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Responsibility to Protect Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Responsibility to Protect - Dissertation Example In his studies about democide (a term has come to be used to refer to the murders committed by governments on individual or groups, including genocides, mass killing and crimes against humanity), Rummel (1986, 1997) illustrated that democides are more threatening than international wars, as he estimated the total number of deaths killed by governments in the 20th century 174 million dead, which is more than the battle-deaths during the same period. Moreover, he found that regimes who committed democide are likely to be dictatorial, such as Communists and Nazis. Figure 1: Democide Compared to War Battle-Dead, adobted from Rummel (1994). The next sections of the introduction will initially define three key crimes that violate human rights the most, namely: war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity. Secondly, the struggle of dealing with these crimes, and the evolution of the means used for preventing them will be illustrating. The third section will cover the research question, objectives and structure. The ultimate part will focus on exploring the problem by demonstrating the tension of state sovereignty and the debate of the R2P. War Crimes, Genocide and Crimes against Humanity War crimes refer to the excessive violation of human rights within wars, and a serious breach of international humanitarian law (Clarisse, 2011). There have been several codifications in the international level concerning war crimes, beginning with The Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907, followed by the Conventions of 12 August 1949 and their Additional Protocols I and II of 1977 and article 8 of the 1998 Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court. Murders, attacks on civilian (either prisoners, free or refugees) and their goods, pillage and rape are all considered war crimes (OHCHR, 2010). Moreover, â€Å"Genocide, crimes against humanity, mistreatment of civilians or combatants during war can all fall under the category of war crimes. Genocide is the most severe of these crimes (BBC, 2009). However, the second concept that must be clarified is genocide, which came from a Polish Jew called Raphael Lemkin in 1944 when he combined a Greek word (genos) meaning group, and a Latin word (cide) which means killing (Rossil, 2003). Genocide can be officially defined with regard to Article II of the 1948 United Nation Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide as: â€Å"any of a number of acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group, and forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.† (UN, 1948) Other crimes against humanity include â€Å"murder, extermination, enslave ment, deportation, and other inhumane acts committed against any civilian population, before or during the war, or persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds in execution of or in connection with any crime within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Geographies of Social Difference Essay Example for Free

Geographies of Social Difference Essay Map 1: [Figure 2, People not fluent in English as a percentage of the total population aged 5 years and over, Sydney, 2006] (a) Compare the spatial pattern of the map to the map of unemployment. Does the map share the same spatial pattern as unemployment (i.e. do the areas of high and low concentration match)? Describe the similarities and differences in the spatial pattern. Figure (1) displays that there is a high prevalence of unemployed people in the Western and South western regions of Sydney. Sydneys South West areas and inner west areas have high numbers of people not fluent in English e.g. Cabramatta-Marrickville .Both Figure (1) and (2) correlate well with each other as the areas which are high numbers of unemployment are also areas which have a high number on individuals of are not fluent in English. b) Explain why your map shares (or does not share) a similar spatial pattern to the map of unemployment. Areas which have high numbers of unemployed individuals are also areas which have a high number in individuals who are not fluent in English. Individuals not being fluent in English may be limited to employment opportunities as they may lack fundamental communication skills which are needed in the workforce. They may also have limited opportunities to attain qualifications that may improve chances of employment due to their lack of English skills e.g. entering a Question 2, Map 2. Map 2: [Figure (3) Low income Households with a gross weekly income less than $500, as a percentage of all households. Sydney, 2006.] Compare the spatial pattern of the map to the map of unemployment. Does the map share the same spatial pattern as unemployment (i.e. do the areas of high and low concentration match)? Describe the similarities and differences in the spatial pattern. Figure (1) and Figure (3) have similar spatial patterns of unemployment and low income households. Both unemployment and low income are common in the central western parts of Sydney (Blacktown) and also South Western parts of Sydney such as Campbelltown and also leading into the inner western and eastern suburbs such as Villawood and Claymore (ABS, 2006). These maps show similarities as unemployment often results in individuals living off low income. b) Explain why your map shares (or does not share) a similar spatial pattern to the map of unemployment. Figure (1) and Figure (3) have similar spatial patterns as unemployment and low income correlate with each other. Both unemployment and low income are prevalent specifically in the Western suburbs of Sydney. Individuals who earn low incomes are left with little to no amounts of discretionary income, hence why they reside in areas within Western Sydney as estate is more affordable to buy or rent in comparison to other regions such as Northern Sydney Question 3: The map of unemployment shows that some areas of Sydney experience higher levels of unemployment compared to the rest of Sydney. Identify and explain the changes that have taken place in the economy (e.g. in Sydney, NSW, Australia) that have generated such unevenness in socio-economic opportunities. Discrepancies between the rich and poor have been known to humanity for countless years. These discrepancies are evident in all societies where there are a variety of individuals who belong to different classes on the social class ladder. These discrepancies are evident in figure (1) and (3) where unemployment and low income are most common in Western parts of Sydney. Individuals often chose to reside in Sydneys Western suburbs where living and life style costs are considerably cheaper in comparison to Eastern/Northern areas of Sydney. Economic changes within regions results in social polarization. Socio-spatial polarisation) refers to divergence over time in the life chances and socio-ec onomic circumstances of low income and middle to high income populations CITATION Wai00 \l 3081  (Waitt, et al., 2000). Income is a critical factor underlying polarisation. In Australia, the top 25 per cent of families now receive about 5 times as much disposable income as the lowest 25 per cent CITATION Wai00 \l 3081 (Waitt, et al., 2000). These statistics are evident in figure (1) where unemployment are most common in the Western parts of Sydney due to the living costs being lower in comparison to North and East suburbs of Sydney. As social-polarisation is associated with socioeconomic factors such as income and education, it can be said that individuals who are not fluent in English are less likely to find employment due to their lack of essential work skills. Another reason that causes discrepancies between low socioeconomic status communities and high socioeconomic status communities is the constant improvement and development of areas which are seen to be more desirable to live in. An example of this is the constant advertisements which portray messages saying new inner-city residence that will bring about a new way of living or state that living in the inner city has so many benefits: you can walk to work, miss traffic jams, stroll to all the best restaurants and be part of the lively city ambience CITATION Bau05 \l 3081 (Baum, et al., 2005). This results in individuals wishing to move into areas close to the CBD. As populations increase in these areas, infrastructure will also increase. This will create jobs which will favour individuals living close by. This cycle results in low socio-economic areas receiving less development opportunities as individuals prefer to reside in other areas e.g. Individuals preferring to reside in Northern Sydney over Western Sydney. Individuals who reside in Western Sydney Suburbs that are able to find employment in high socioeconomic areas such as Northern Sydney which are constantly redeveloped and improved are faced with the burdens of travelling for long periods . References Waitt, G, McGuirk, P, Dunn, K, Hartig, K Burnley, I 2000, Transforming cities: socio-spatial polarisation, in Introducing human geography: globalisation, difference and inequality, Longman, Sydney, pp. 405-406. Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2006. A Social Atlas, 2006 Census of Population Housing, Sydney: Australian Bureau of Statistics. Baum, S., OConnor, K. Stimson, R., 2005. Suburbs of advantage and disadvantage. In: Fault lines exposed: advantage and disadvantage across Australias  settlement system. Melbourne: Monash University ePress, pp. 12-30.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Fitzgeralds Taps At Reveille Essay -- Fitzgerald Taps At Reveille Ess

Fitzgerald’s â€Å"Taps At Reveille† During his lifetime, Scott Fitzgerald was known primarily as a short-story writer. In his twenty-year career, he published a hundred and sixty-four stories in various magazines, and forty-four were written in the last six years of his life. Published by Scribner’s in 1935, â€Å"Taps At Reveille†, a short-story collection, composed eighteen of those last efforts. Critics met it with mixed reviews: one called it â€Å"appealing†1 while another, â€Å"feeble and inadequate†1. But the 1930’s were particularly difficult years for the Fitzgeralds. By mid-decade (and the year of publication for â€Å"Taps At Reveille†) Scott’s drinking had spiraled into full blown alcoholism, Zelda, Scott’s wife, was in the throes of a third schizophrenic break-down which would require hospitalization, and both Fitzgeralds were heavily in debt 3. In addition, the United States was in the middle of the Great Depression, which exacerbated money-related problems for everyone. Matters never really improved for Fitzgerald after â€Å"Taps† came out. Around 1934 he began to write stories alm...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Life or Something Like It :: essays research papers

†2’, long brown hair, and big blue eyes. It’s hard to place exactly when and where it all happened. So let me just fill you in on how I got where I am today. I met her in the seventh grade for the first time through a mutual friend. From that moment on I had a big crush. We talked on occasion throughout eighth grade up until high school. We hung out a few times and then junior year rolled around and I was asked for a favor. It was my chance to finally get my foot in the door. She asked me to take her to her friend’s high school so that we could eat lunch with her. Of course being the nice guy I was and knowing exactly how I felt about this girl, I jumped on the chance. The day went well and I thought I was on my way. The phone call I got was to help move the same friend’s TV, so once again I took the chance to try to better my position. This time there were other guys there and I felt really out of place. But I did all I could to try and make this situation a little better than the last. We began to talk more and pass notes in the hallway. Then one say she walked into the nurse’s office at school, where I worked during 7th period, and it started once again. I swore to my best friend who worked in there with me, that she was way out of my league and that I had been trying all year to land this girl that I wanted since 7th grade. He told me just to give it a chance and to ask her out. And so risking all I had and acting completely out o f my comfort zone I did the impossible and asked her to dinner. We talked, ate, she told me how she had two dates that upcoming weekend which kind pushed me back, but as my friend suggested I worked at it and eventually started to hang out with her regularly. And then the night came where we kissed for the first time, May 28th, 2003. Finally I thought, I finally did it, but since we were a little light minded at the time I didn’t know what her intentions were.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Response to John Holt “School Is Bad for Children”

An example of earlier change: English Agriculture: 1500-1850 taken from: Agricultural Revolution in England the transformation of the agrarian economy 1500-1850 by Mark Overton Cambridge University Press, 1996 c B. J. Heinzen 1998 p. 1 Estimates of English Agricultural Output 1520–1850 18 16 Output – population method 250 Output – volume method – value of total ag. output (crops, meat, dairy) in ? million at 1850 prices 12 200 10 150 8 100 6 Output Index 1700=100 14 Population (millions) 300 Population – in millions (previous limit 5-6 mln people) 4 50 2 0 1851 1831 1801 1791 1781 1761 1751 1741 1701 1661 651 1601 1551 80% of pop. in agric. for own family 1520 0 20% of pop. in agric. for markets c B. J. Heinzen 1998 p. 2 Mark Overton, Agricultural Revolution in England †¦ 1500-1850, 1996, p. 75& p. 8 A Rising Demand for Food 1520-1851 100 Agricultural population 90 % of total population 80 70 Rural non-agric’l population 60 50 40 Towns > 5000, excl London 30 20 10 London 0 1520 1600 1670 1700 1750 1801 1851 â€Å"†¦the impact of London on the demand for food was greater than these figures indicate because average consumption per head in London was at least double the national average. † c B. J. Heinzen 1998 p. 3Mark Overton, Agricultural Revolution in England †¦ 1500-1850, 1996, p138 A Changing Social Structure England & Wales 1436-1973 % of ownership 120 Crown 100 Black Plague 80 1348, 1350s, 1370x Church Yeomen freeholders Dissolution 60 of Gentry Monasteries 40 1530 20 Civil War Great owners 1640s 0 1436 (Eng) c. 1690 range of estimates for 1690 c. 1790 1873 (Eng. ) â€Å"The pioneers of new methods in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries †¦ were not the great landowners but smaller farmers †¦ the most dramatic advances in output and land productivity came in those areas (such as Norfolk) where lordship was relatively weak. c B. J. Heinzen 1998 p. 4 Mark Overton, Agricultural Revol ution in England †¦ 1500-1850, 1996, p. 168 & 205 The Development of Markets < 1600 1601-1650 de cli ne of Local markets, in 800 market towns; strong reg. , no middlemen allowed 1701-1750 1751-1800 1801-1850 Middlemen indispensable gu lat io 1750: London Corn Exchange n between mkt towns 700 mi rivers 1660 900 mi rivers 1700 1838: 60 million letters sent 1790: end of domestic market reg. 15, 000 miles turnpikes en em l idd Trade 1663: reselling & storing allowed weak enforc’t of reg. Grain traded nationally & in N. Europe 1772 20,000 miles turnpikes rivate market’g by samples of 1690s? grain weekly grain prices published rivers linked m of se ri ma rke t re 1651-1700 1846: Corn Laws repealed 1830 c B. J. Heinzen 1998 p. 5 Mark Overton, Agricultural Revolution in England †¦ 1500-1850, 1996, 137-47 passim Controlling the Use of Land by Enclosures post 1850 undated 1675-1749 1575-1674 1525-1574 1750-1849 100 90 1701-1750 1651-1700 1601-1650 1751-1800 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1551-1600 County Durham 1551-1850 184,733 total acreage enclosed 0 % of enclosed acreage 1450-1524 pre 1450 South Midlands 1450-1850 2,850,866 total enclosed acreage 1801-1850 660: Modern Law of Mortgage â€Å"From the mid-eighteeth century the most usual way in which common rights were removed was through a specific act of parliament for the enclosure of a particular locality. †¦ Moreover the majority required for enclosure was calculated in terms of acres rather than landowners †¦ † â€Å"†¦ the major upsurge in agricultural output and productivity came after the mid-eighteenth century: this coincides with the major burst of parliamentary enclosure. † c B. J. Heinzen 1998 p. 6 Mark Overton, Agricultural Revolution in England †¦ 1500-1850, 1996, p. 149-150 & p. 167 Value of Enclosures In short, the farmer on enclosed land, in Kalm’s words, ‘could in a thousand ways improve his property and earn money. ’ [because] â €Å"the return on investment made in that land by an individual would accrue to that individual and not to the community as a whole. † c B. J. Heinzen 1998 p. 7 Mark Overton, Agricultural Revolution in England †¦ 1500-1850, 1996, p. 149-150 & p. 167 Development & Diffusion of Technology < 1600 1601-1650 1651-1700 1701-1750 1751-1800 1770s Jethro Tull seed drill imitated DIFFUSING 1801-1850 1851-1900 Norfolk system* spreads widely 1870 80% of wheat harvest’d with scythes 835 scythes 1790s R’m widespread plough made in 1830s ag. engin’g 1850s seed drill local widely used indus. dev’d foundaries LEARNING Upsurge in ag. writing 1767 Royal Lancashire Ag. Society 1770s 1st local farmers’ assoc. 1664 Royal Society studies ag. practices 1630 turnips* known as fodder crop 1803 23 local farmers’ assoc. 1838 Royal Ag. Society of Eng. 1850s wide range of farm’g journals: 17,000 readers 1855 700 local farmers’ assoc. 1731 Jethro Tull’s seed drill INTRODUCING 1500s designs for seed drills published 1845 Circencester Ag’l College 1650s clover* appears as fodder crop 1730 new R’m lough patented 1799 scythes introduced in S. Engl’d c B. J. Heinzen 1998 p. 8 Mark Overton, Agricultural Revolution in England †¦ 1500-1850, 1996, 122-32, passim Changes in Farming Techniques Norfolk 1250-1854 100% % land in turnips 90% 80% % land in clover 70% 60% % land in legumes 50% 40% % land in grain 30% 20% Use of arable sown land, excluding fallow 2/3rd soil nitrogen lost by 1850 => need to manage soil nitrogen 10% 0% 1250-1349 1350-1449 1584-1640 1660-1739 1836 1854 â€Å"Partly because these integrated mixed-farming systems comprised so many mutally dependent components their evolution took time.Hence the long lag between the appearance in England of clover, turnips and the other components of the Norfolk four-course system and the perfection of the system itself, whose widespread diffusion must be dated to the first half of the nineteenth century. † c B. J. Heinzen 1998 p. 9 Mark Overton, Agricultural Revolution in England †¦ 1500-1850, 1996, p120 & p. 16 Larger Farms, Fewer Farmers 1714-1833 percent of all estate acreage 100 The Example of the Leveson-Gower estates 1714-1833 Farm Size >200 acres 80 60 40 100-200 acres 20 20-100 acres 0-20 acres 0 1714-20 1759-79 1807-13 1829-33 c B.J. Heinzen 1998 p. 10 Mark Overton, Agricultural Revolution in England †¦ 1500-1850, 1996, p174 The Sequence of Change 1500-1850 6. Spread of technical knowledge & use 5. New property rights secure benefits of investment 4. Regulations adapt to informal market realities 3. Development of informal markets to meet need 2. Fluidity in social structure; willingness to experiment 1. A rising demand/need c B. J. Heinzen 1998 p. 11 Time Lags in the Agricultural Revolution â€Å"Partly because these integrated mixed-farming systems comprised so many mutally dependent components t heir evolution took time.Hence the long lag between the appearance in England of clover, turnips and the other components of the Norfolk four-course system and the perfection of the system itself, whose widespread diffusion must be dated to the first half of the nineteenth century. † Mark Overton, 1996 Agricultural Revolution in England †¦ 1500-1850 c B. J. Heinzen 1998 p. 12 Mark Overton, Agricultural Revolution in England †¦ 1500-1850, 1996, p120 detailed back-up slides follow c B. J. Heinzen 1998 p. 13 The Sequence of Change 1500-1850 6. Spread of technical knowledge & use 1770-1870 diffusion of agricultural techniques 5.New property rights secure benefits of investment 1750-1850 Parliamentary Enclosure Acts 4. Regulations adapt to informal market realities 1750 London Corn Exchange; 1790 Domestic mrkt reg. ended 3. Development of informal markets to meet need: 1601-1650 corn traded between market towns 2. Fluidity in social structure; willingness to experiment 16 40s Civil War 1. A rising demand/need 1520 demand rising c B. J. Heinzen 1998 p. 14 Changes in Norfolk Farming 1250-1854 Wheat Yields & Animals 70 Use of Arable Sown Land* 100% 90% 60 1250-1349 80% 1350-1449 60% 1660-1739 40 70% 1584-1640 50 50% 30 40% 1854 30% 0 20% 10 10% 0% 0 Livestock ratio** Draught beasts*+ Wheat Yields* **Livestock units/100 acres *+ Oxen & horses/100 sown acres *Bushels of wheat/ acres 12501349 13501449 15841640 % Land in turnips % Land in clover 16601739 1836 1854 % Land in legumes % Land in grain *Excluding fallow land c B. J. Heinzen 1998 p. 15 Mark Overton, Agricultural Revolution in England †¦ 1500-1850, 1996, p120 English Land Use & Yields 1300-1850 1700 = 100 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1700 1800 1850 Arable Sown arable Meadow & pasture Total 250 200 Cereal yields 150 100 Wheat yields 50 0 1300 1600 1700 1750 1800 1850 B. J. Heinzen 1998 p. 16 Mark Overton, Agricultural Revolution in England †¦ 1500-1850, 1996, p. 86 Enclosing the Land 1450-1850 Enclosures in South Midlands 1450-1850 100 90 % of total enclosed acreage 80 70 Enclosures in County Durham 1551-1850 100 90 undated post 1850 80 70 1751-1800 1750-1849 60 60 1675-1749 1701-1750 50 50 1575-1674 40 1801-1850 1525-1574 40 1651-1700 30 30 1601-1650 1450-1524 20 pre 1450 20 1551-1600 10 10 0 0 (2,850,866 total enclosed acreage) (184,733 total acreage enclosed) c B. J. Heinzen 1998 p. 17 Mark Overton, Agricultural Revolution in England †¦ 1500-1850, 1996, p. 149-150

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Role of Women in 3 Greek Myths essays

The Role of Women in 3 Greek Myths essays One day, Persephone was in the field gathering the crops and Hades, the god of the underworld, was admiring her. He decided that he had to have her as his wife. Hades then shook the ground and caused it to split open and Persephone fell into the realm of the underworld. Persephone was then offered a pomegranate from Hades and she accepted. Little did she know that once she ate the pomegranate she had to stay in the realm of Hades as the wife of Hades. Demeter, Persephones mother, pleaded with Zeus to get Persephone back. He explained to Demeter that once she ate the pomegranate she had to stay there. Demeter is the goddess of the weather and vegetation so her rage cause massive storms, frigid weather, and everything to stop growing, or die A few months later, Zeus made a bargain with Hades to let Persephone go for 9 months of the year and she would be back during the other 3 months. Hades agreed and Demeter was so happy, that the weather turned nice and everything grew back. This is how the seasons came to be. Persephone is thought to be a beautiful women with long brown hair and is nearly always found wandering the fields. She truly is an enchantress, but is also a very gullible women because she was tricked into eating the pomegranate seeds. Persephone is also helpless because she can not do anything to break free. The storyteller wants us to feel bad for both Persephone and Demeter because they are both at a loss. Demeter for losing her daughter and Persephone for being captured. The female characters are portrayed less powerful than the male characters in this myth. There once was a fair maiden who was the daughter of the king named Atalanta. She was desired by many suitors. Atalanta vowed to stay a virgin and would never get married. However, her father pressed her to get married. She came up with a plan, since Atalanta was very athletic, she would ha ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The fbi

The fbi Federal bureau investigation, the FBI, is considered the strongest police agency in the United States because it has control over other police agencies around the states. The FBI as a police agency has its pluses and minuses; therefore, looking for searching for serial killers and control other police agencies are some of its pluses. In the other hand, the over react of dealing with civilians, and the unsupervised job that they do hold to be some of its minuses.One of the most important jobs that the FBI does is to chase and follow dangerous serial killers who in danger their society. One example of that is catching the train serial killer. Rafael Martinez or Angel Martinez, who was hiding in other country which, makes the other police agencies incapable of getting him back. In addition, another important job that the FBI does is to check and control other police agencies if they fail to function as they supposed to be functioned.English: Standing on Pennsylvania Avenue NW and lo...T he FBI makes it almost impossible for some police members to be corrupted. An example of that, March 12, 1999, where the FBI caught some border patrol points corrupted. The corruption among US forces along the Southwest border as a serious and growing problem, according to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. The number of such cases investigated by the FBI went from 79 in 1997 to 157 in 1998; therefore, the FBI is trying to stop every corruption possible in other police agencies.†x†x In the other hand, the FBI as a strong agency makes it dangerous to the society. Some times, we see the agency over reacts by dealing with civilians that agency thinks that they are endanger people in a harmful way. For example, we saw how the FBI was denying for six years that they did...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Seventh Day Adventists

Summary on â€Å"Germany: Adventist Hospital a Refuge for Abandoned Babies† 03/20/03 I chose this article because the title of the article captivated me. The article had little to do with the Adventist religion itself, but rather the community aide and support it provides for others. The Seventh-day Adventist Hospital in Berlin, Krankenhaus Waldfriede, Germany has started a program where mothers can bring their newborn babies to the hospital and abandon them there. It began as an action to try to prevent and to stop the rates of abandoned children from rising. The program started about three years ago and is called the â€Å"Baby Cradle†. The actual â€Å"Baby Cradle† is a small door on the outside wall of the hospital. This is the door where mothers can open and place their baby inside. Confidentiality is assured and the mother has enough time to leave the area without being seen. Then the process begins of what to do with the baby. Once the baby is inside the â€Å"cradle,† a signal goes to the front gate. The front gate staff then makes a telephone call to inform the nurses in the baby ward that a newborn baby has just been placed in the cradle. Next, they take the baby and place it in the ward, where it is given a health check. The baby then stays in the care of the hospital for the next couple of days, while the staff works on finding a family to adopt the baby. The mother of the abandoned baby then has up to eight weeks to reconsider and claim her baby. Pretty simple huh? I have mixed feelings about this. I feel that what they are doing for the babies is great. They are giving these babies a chance at life and trying their best to find homes for these babies. Yet at the same time, I feel as if they are treating the baby like it is a piece of property. I mean what kind of a mother could actually take her child and place it in a door to leave for whoever and whatever? I honestly f... Free Essays on Seventh Day Adventists Free Essays on Seventh Day Adventists Summary on â€Å"Germany: Adventist Hospital a Refuge for Abandoned Babies† 03/20/03 I chose this article because the title of the article captivated me. The article had little to do with the Adventist religion itself, but rather the community aide and support it provides for others. The Seventh-day Adventist Hospital in Berlin, Krankenhaus Waldfriede, Germany has started a program where mothers can bring their newborn babies to the hospital and abandon them there. It began as an action to try to prevent and to stop the rates of abandoned children from rising. The program started about three years ago and is called the â€Å"Baby Cradle†. The actual â€Å"Baby Cradle† is a small door on the outside wall of the hospital. This is the door where mothers can open and place their baby inside. Confidentiality is assured and the mother has enough time to leave the area without being seen. Then the process begins of what to do with the baby. Once the baby is inside the â€Å"cradle,† a signal goes to the front gate. The front gate staff then makes a telephone call to inform the nurses in the baby ward that a newborn baby has just been placed in the cradle. Next, they take the baby and place it in the ward, where it is given a health check. The baby then stays in the care of the hospital for the next couple of days, while the staff works on finding a family to adopt the baby. The mother of the abandoned baby then has up to eight weeks to reconsider and claim her baby. Pretty simple huh? I have mixed feelings about this. I feel that what they are doing for the babies is great. They are giving these babies a chance at life and trying their best to find homes for these babies. Yet at the same time, I feel as if they are treating the baby like it is a piece of property. I mean what kind of a mother could actually take her child and place it in a door to leave for whoever and whatever? I honestly f...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Executive Summary Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Executive Summary - Article Example lve health care advisor, on how hospital management efficiency can be achieved through adoption of the 5S strategy: sort, straighten, shine, standardize, and sustain. Sorting helps hospitals to identify items that are no longer useful. Straightening helps hospitals to arrange their resources via basic visual management to reduce inventory and ensure orderliness. The shine step enables hospitals to expose situations that may put hospital efficiency and quality in jeopardy and swiftly act on them appropriately. The standardize step is where hospitals establish standard protocols to ensure that the first three Ss are effectively executed and that there is no relapse. The sustain phase entails the maintenance of efficient hospital averment by keeping the other four Ss alive. It is the most difficult to execute of all the 5Ss. Effective implementation of the 5S system is crucial for attaining short and long-term efficiency objectives. Rodak, S. (2012). â€Å"The 5 "Ss" to Creating an Efficient Hospital Environment.† Beckers Hospital Review. Retrieved April 16, 2014 from

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Role of Modern Media in Crisis Communication Essay

The Role of Modern Media in Crisis Communication - Essay Example Crisis management is a very crucial aspect. Effective communication crisis management can greatly reduce extensive damage that may take place in an organization, as a result, of communication crisis. The document analyzes the role played by modern media in triggering as well as managing the effects of crisis communication in organizations (Carroll, 2013). It is evident that the communication crisis is typically unpredictable aspect that possesses a great potential of damaging the affected organization as well various stakeholders. The main difference between crafting messages for traditional communication methods and crafting messages for modern communication methods such as social media is the speed at which each mode communicates information as well as misinformation. The application of internet together with social Media  has the potential of accelerating and amplifying the public opinion. The aspect hence plays a vital role in impacting adverse effects in organizations, as a result, of crisis communication (Coombs, 2007). It has become to the consent of most organization’s stakeholders the modern media or simply social media is a double edged sword that create both opportunities and threats for the organizations. Social media as well as other web based Medias, have the potential of creating a crisis in an organization. Among the main factors as to why the social media causes crises in an organization is that it provides various means for stakeholder’s expression. It also lets the stakeholders move from a passive role to an active role. Being unfiltered channel, it provides employees, consumers and activists with an opportunity of voicing their concerns. The aspect easily finds people with similar mind and mobilizes them against the organization hence causing great crises in that organization (Coombs & Holladay, 2010). Currently, social media and other web-based Medias have also

Collection Plan for the scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Collection Plan for the scenario - Essay Example Organizing the data collected and managing it for consumption entails the whole intelligence process. In the present situation, the information provided below aims at aiding the officers develops intelligence and information useful in dealing with the situation and identifying any threats that may arise from the sale of the item to either the terrorists or any other group of individuals. The information is developed and provided to the different operational teams for positively consumption to combat the situation. In addition, ensure that the resulting effect is not of any effect of negative nature to the respective country they represent or the international community. The reaction to the data collected bases on the different validation aspects that the data satisfies. The study detailed below discusses the multi-INT collection plan against the different targets in the scenario. The collection scenario will aim at gathering all the necessary data about the scenario in the case provided. The collection will have specific targets based on the relevance of the data that the team is in position to collect from these targets. The different targets that the intelligence teams aim at gathering the information on include the counterterrorism effort, the effort to combat the narcotics business and counter proliferation. For effective collection of the data for this scenario, there is need to have a well-trained resourceful team with a number of members that understand the common language in the areas that these threats are standing. These will provide the aid in translating the different information and obtaining information from the field that is necessary to add to the current intelligence knowledge available. These provide the specific targets that the INT group needs to focus on. The group will obtain more information on the scenarios provided and obtain even more information that may provide a different opinion. For

Thursday, October 17, 2019

WTO - Trade Dispute Case Studies Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

WTO - Trade Dispute Studies - Case Study Example year 2010, Japan filed a complaint to World Trade Organization (WTO) regarding Canada’s tight measures concerning domestic content requirement in the feed in tariff program. Japan claimed that this tariff seemed to be laws and regulation that were affecting internal sales. They also claimed that the tariff was inconsistent with Article III: 4 and III: 5 of the GATT 1994. It claimed that this measures were meant for internal qualitative assessments. Japan finally alleged that this measures were like subsidy and that it could lead to price support or financial contribution or a form of income (WTO, 2014). During the resolution by WTO, USA and European Union requested to be enjoined in the case and on 1 June, 2011 Japan requested establishment of a panel. The panel after various meetings upheld Japan’s complaint under article 2.1 of WTO. Then later they found out that Canada had not implemented one of the international trade agreement (WTO,

Aircraft inspection either a 100 hourly inspection or annual Research Paper

Aircraft inspection either a 100 hourly inspection or annual inspection student comes up with the type of scenerio - Research Paper Example This involved inspection of the aircraft’s conformity to prescribed regulations. Conformity inspection involved review of designated data and all document required as per the stipulations by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). As a matter of fact, conformity inspection sought to ensure that JPY had correctly undertook all processes and tests required by FAA. Additionally, it involved inspection of the parts to ensure they are in compliance with design data. Initial investigations involved evaluation of the existing documents for conformity before comparing the engine’s current condition to conformity requirements. Finally, the areas with problems were identified and appropriate course of action adopted. Of interest were the permanent records provided by JPY and these included the following: 1. The aircraft’s log book: confirmation for valid seal from FAA and existence of validly filled information 2. Aircraft Worthiness Certificate documentation. This cert ifies that the aircraft owner and operator have maintained the aircraft in airworthy condition. Additionally, it allows understanding of the persons allowed to perform maintenance, preventive maintenance, or any alterations on the aircraft. Conventionally, two conditions have to be met before the aircraft is considered â€Å"airworthy†. 3. A supplemental type certificate (STC) is a type certificate (TC) issued when an applicant has received FAA approval to modify an aircraft from its original design.  Ã‚  The STC, which incorporates by reference the related TC, approves not only the modification but also how that modification affects the original design. These are useful in not only knowing the modifications but also the effect that the modification had on the aircraft’s original design. 4. The Type Certificate Data sheet :) that is, when the aircraft configuration and the components installed are consistent with the drawing, specifications, and other data that are p art of the TC, and include any supplemental TC and field-approved alterations incorporated into the aircraft. 5. The Pilot’s Operating hand book provides useful information on weight and balance, operating ranges of the aircraft and airworthiness of the aircraft. 6. Also , included with the aircrafts documentation came the weight and balance certificate Description of the scenario The aircraft was brought was availed for repair by JPY. The process was initiated through a call from JPY to our maintenance department complaint being magneto issues encountered earlier. JPY had initially thought the issue had been resolved but it suddenly recurred and hence the need for further inspection and correction. The first meeting between us and JPY was held on the 23rd of November, 2013 at 1654 Entrance Drive New Braunfels Texas on the Flight Ramp outside the hanger’s main entrance. JPY flew the aircraft from Karnes County Airport to our facility. During the meeting, a comprehensiv e discussion of the problems encountered with JPY’s Cessna 320B were discussed, in addition to various documentations for the aircraft being handed over for inspection. The log books revealed that the aircraft was due for 100-hourly

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

WTO - Trade Dispute Case Studies Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

WTO - Trade Dispute Studies - Case Study Example year 2010, Japan filed a complaint to World Trade Organization (WTO) regarding Canada’s tight measures concerning domestic content requirement in the feed in tariff program. Japan claimed that this tariff seemed to be laws and regulation that were affecting internal sales. They also claimed that the tariff was inconsistent with Article III: 4 and III: 5 of the GATT 1994. It claimed that this measures were meant for internal qualitative assessments. Japan finally alleged that this measures were like subsidy and that it could lead to price support or financial contribution or a form of income (WTO, 2014). During the resolution by WTO, USA and European Union requested to be enjoined in the case and on 1 June, 2011 Japan requested establishment of a panel. The panel after various meetings upheld Japan’s complaint under article 2.1 of WTO. Then later they found out that Canada had not implemented one of the international trade agreement (WTO,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

World cup history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

World cup history - Essay Example I. The world cup is organized every four years and countries context to host the world cup with the 2014 world cup being held in Brazil, the 2018 world cup will be hosted by Russia while the 2022 world cup is to be hosted by Qatar. The world cup presents a global stage for countries to present their best footballers in the most competitive tournament in soccer globally leading to the generation of the best football icons. III. I have researched, did document analysis and made enquiries and from stakeholders in the course of the preparation of this speech increasing the accuracy and credibility of the information therein. IV. The ideas presented include the reason for the start of the world cup, the top scorers, the winners, and the procedure for the selection of the participating teams and number in the world cup in different continents. There was a need for an international football event owing to restrictions by Olympics on professional athletes that led to the first world cup hosted by Uruguay in July 18, 1930 (Lisi, 2). The restrictions limited the ability of professional athletes to make an impact in the Olympics and lead to the development of the best footballers leading to the need for the creation of a tournament that will translate to global cohesion, develop teams, and lead to augmented football professionalism. In 1934 and 1938, the world cup was staged in Italy and France respectively but due to the word war, it was next held in 1950 and every four years thereafter to the current world cup in Brazil (FIFA, 2014). There have been 20 world cup editions and the most successful country in the world cup is Brazil with five world cup trophies. The other world cup winners are Italy with four titles, three titles for Germany, Argentina and Uruguay have to titles, and one title for France, England and 2010 winners Spain making 8 different winners of the world cup. The world cup has had different world cup scorers but it is the

The Role of Itil Essay Example for Free

The Role of Itil Essay 1. Within an IT support help desk environment, describe the role of ITIL standards in the provision of quality IT service management. An ITIL Service Desk uses a standard set of best practices for lowering costs and improving the quality of IT service delivery. The aim of a Service Desk is to act as the operational interface between the IT organization and its customers, for achieving an organization’s goals. An ITIL Service Desk isn’t only concerned with taking and responding to calls, but also managing the entire lifecycle of the request as it evolves through other relevant processes. For example, a call may start as a simple incident which may then turn into a problem which is also related to several other incidents. 2. The areas in which professional institutions operate extend beyond simply representing their members. Discuss briefly two examples of this. Professional institutions operate in more than representing their members. Other areas in which professional institutions operate are setting standards; one way they do this is by setting and enforcing standards of behaviour for its members. Normally this is done through some formal code of conduct or ethics. They also advise government. 3. Depending upon your job role within an organisation, certain professional institutions may be more suitable to support you. Identify two roles and discuss which Professional Institution would be most appropriate. The roles I have chosen are computer programmers and software analysts. A computer programmer writes computer software. The term computer programmer can refer to a specialist in one area of computer programming or to a generalist who writes code for many kinds of software. A software analyst is the person who studies the software application domain and prepares the software requirements and specification document. Software analyst is the connection between the software users and the software developers. It conveys the demands of the software users to the developers. The most suitable Professional Institution would be the IAP (The Institution of Analysts and Programmers) based in London. This would be the most  appropriate institution because the deal mainly in analysts and programmers. 4. Explain the range of ITIL standards available to practitioners. Release and Control, Support and Restore, and Agree and Define are three standards available. The Release and Control path to certification focuses on change management, release management, and configuration management. The Support and Restore path focuses on incident management, service desk processes, and problem management. The Agree and Define path focuses on service level management, and financial management. 5. Describe a typical hierarchy within a computing/IT department of an organisation and the types of professional development offered by professional institutions to support progression of the individual. There are many different types of hierarchy used in it/computing departments, one example is a human resources department. Director In the HR department hierarchy, the director oversees all functions. His duties include creating personnel policies and developing an employee manual. The director position also handles all personnel issues that may harm to the companys reputation. Directors ensure all necessary training programs are in place for new employees and existing staff members. This position answers to the company owner or vice president of the division, depending on the size of your company. Human resource division heads or managers report to the director. Management Division heads, managers and fist-line supervisors manage the day-to-day duties of human resource employees. Managers supervise analysts who may specialize in sections, such as compensation, benefits, recruiting, hiring, diversity and training. In smaller HR offices, some sections can be combined. Managers ensure that programs developed by the director are properly implemented and employee handbooks are regularly updated. Managers also directly handle sensitive HR (Human Resources) issues, such as discrimination complaints, so that lower-level employees are not included in the process. Specializing Analysts Each section in the Human Resources hierarchy contains analysts who are trained in specialized areas and report to management. Some positions conduct compensation studies to ensure that the jobs in a company offer competitive salary and benefits. Recruiting analysts look for the best places to market openings to gain the most qualified and diverse candidates. Benefit employees administer health insurance and retirement plans and workers compensation among other programs offered to employees. The diversity section ensures that the workplace is free from illegal discrimination policies and behaviours, while trainers educate staff on employee laws and other important company information. General Analysts If the business is small the human resources department may consist of a director and one or more analysts who are skilled in all areas. These generalists report to the director and perform the full scope of duties in the department. In a larger company, the generalist position can serve as the entry level before specialization is determined. The generalists spend time in each section while developing knowledge through training and experience. They eventually may be placed in areas where they can grow.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Information System Analysis On Hdfc Bank

Information System Analysis On Hdfc Bank As part of the RBIs liberalization of the Indian Banking Sector in 1994, The Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited received an in principle approval to set up a bank in the private sector. The bank was registered as HDFC Bank Limited, in August 1994 at Mumbai, India. HDFC Bank commenced its operations as a Scheduled Commercial Bank in January 1995. HDFC is one of the Indias premier housing finance company and it experiences an impeccable track record in Indian market as well as internationally. overview HDFC Bank provides a wide range of financial products, assistance and services to its more than 18 million customers across various hundreds of cities in India using multiple distribution channels including ATMs, phone banking, mobile banking and net banking. HDFC Bank is a dynamic bank, with a young and zealous team determined to achieve the vision of becoming a world-class Indian bank. The business philosophy is primarily based on four core values Customer Centred, Operational Excellence, Product Leadership and People. With the belief that the ultimate identity and success of the bank will reside in the exceptional quality of our people and their extraordinary efforts, the bank is proving to do exceptionally well. As on the year ended March 31, 2010, the Bank had a total income of Rs. 19,980.5 crores and net profit of Rs. 2,948.7 crores as against Rs. 19,622.9 crores and Rs. 2,245.0 crores respectively in the previous year signifies the growth and scope of the bank.The bank has three principal business sectors: 1.retail banking, 2.wholesale banking and 3.treasury operations. vision and mission HDFC Banks mission is to be a World Class Indian Bank, maintaining high standard against international standards, putting forward best practices in terms of product offerings, service levels, technology, audit compliance and risk management. The main objective is to continue building excellent customer franchises all across distinct businesses so as to be the best provider for target retail and wholesale customer segments, which will result in healthy profits, consistent with the Banks risk appetite. HDFC Bank is dedicated to do these while also ensuring the upmost levels of ethical standards, integrity and regulatory compliance. Business strategy: Increase the market share in Indias banking and financial services sector by a disciplined growth strategy aiming at balancing quality and growth in profitability. Enhance its technology and open saleable systems in order to deliver increased number of products to increased number of customers and to hold operating costs; Maintain high standards through credit risk management; Develop more and more innovative products and services that attract its targeted audience and address inefficiencies in the Indian market; Develop products and adapt to services that reduce its cost of funds; Aim at healthy earnings growth in financial segment with low volatility. Infrastructure and Operations Profile HDFC Bank was incorporated in August 1994, and, currently has an nationwide network consisting of 1725 Branches and 4232 ATMs in 779 Indian towns and cities. Refer figure 1. HDFC Bank in India operates on the following basic segments: Personal Banking: Includes all financial deals between a commercial bank and an individual. Wholesale Banking: Includes all sorts of financial dealings within Corporates, medium and small Enterprises, Financial Institutions and Trusts as well as the Government Sector. NRI Banking Includes personal banking relations with the Non Resident Indians. HDFC Bank has been recognized, felicitated and awarded by a number of organisations. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM The Banking sector is pretty much used to the concept and implementation of Management Information System since decades. Earlier during the start of 1980s the term MIS was used for the mainly making reports and to analyze the data.. This was then send to Top management, and decision were taken by them accordingly. Management of Information system is really benefitial during taking decisions and is a collected result of both- Data mining and Data Warehousing. Refer figure 2 for benefits of MIS. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY ARCHITECTURE: Hub And Spoke Architecture The head quarter of HDFC is located in Mumbai. It has a network based IP which is centralized and the branches are spread across the nation and is connected to the main data centre at Chandvilli in Mumbai. Maharashtra. Network: A regional hub is defined such that the branches are categorized under different regions each having its regional hub. At the main region, the different branches coming under a single location are connected to the hub. These are then further connected to the central data centre using pipes having bandwidth of either 2 Mbps or 64 Kbps.There are two hubs instead of one. In a matter of years to come, HDFC Bank has decided to put connections with the feature of built-in redundancy in the network itself. Like, Madras could be connected to Bangalore and Kolkata, with all three of them being connected to Chandivili. Therefore, if the Kolkata-Chandivili link fails, then Kolkata will use the Madras link to connect to the Chandivili data center. VSAT solutions is used for networking. Servers The bank uses SCO Unix and MicroBanker from i-flex solution. With an increase on number of Banks branches, it became necessary to consider Unix/RISC operating systems instead of an Intel Unix platform, and thus the bank selected the Sun platform. Presently the bank is running its application on a Sun platform. As there was a rise in the volume of transactions, the total number of branches as well as the number of users has resulted in up-gradation of the hardware platform also.The database used is DAS and network SAN. Banking applications The software used by the bank for corporate and retail banking are different. The reason for this is that there was no package which could cater to both the domains. For the corporate sector HDFC Bank used MicroBanker after Flexcube. The Flexcube UBS uses a Compaq Alpha box-GS160. It also uses SAN solutions from Hitachi Data Systems. For the retail sector, the bank uses an offering from i-flex solutions : Finware. There were no issues faced by the bank regarding migration as the products they used were easily upgradeable and were usually supplied by the same set of vendors. The vendors also ensured that the programs that they were supplying had the feature that could conveniently help in migration or upgradation. Storage The bank currently using SAN technology, but they may have to consider NAS technology in the future. This calls for huge investment as various areas such as backup, disaster recovery need to be addressed. The bank has to store data according to the RBI guidelines for seven years, and as it is not necessary to store the data on the net-the bank uses tapes for off-line storage of data. The bank anticipates storage costs to decrease, and bulk purchases would be economical. Disaster Recovery setup The approach is that is needed to protect our data first as the basis for a business continuity plan. The disaster recovery site of the bank is located in Chennai. The data which is tored at the main site is also replicated in real-time online at the site in Chennai as well. Servers store the data at the site of DR and constant replenishment takes place. Incase of any disaster , the data is replicated and is available to use. Hence , both the bank and the customer have a feeling of security. BANK : HDFC BANK Vendor NCR: To provide Cheque Clearing solutions to cheque clearing operations department About NCR: (Refer figure 3) NCR is one of the prime leading vendor of payment and image processing solutions. Its core objective is to assist the financial institutes and companies to deliver products incorporating innovation in the constantly changing scenario of payments. The solution enables transaction with references to items to be captured digitally centralized or distributed to ATMs, branches, processed, archived and exchanged. These solutions are built with intensive knowledge and consulting and analysis by experts, integrated with a full range of high quality imaging transports and ATMs, and supported by a wide range of global customer services.. Other solutions included are like the cheque image processing, image storage and the retrieval, cheque and document imaging software etc. CHEQUE CLEARING PROCESS (INDIA): (Refer figure 4 and 5) The advent of the clearing process takes place with the cheque being deposited in the bank/branch from where it is drawn. The delivery of the cheque takes place to the specific branch or bank. Then the cheque is sent for payment if there are funds available and if the banker is convinced that it is genuine. In case if the cheques are left unpaid, they are returned to the present bank through another clearing which is known as Return Clearing. Signature Verification System (SVS): Refer Figure 6 The Signature Verification System further strengthens the entire process of verification by complete electrification of the whole process. By taking the image of the signature cards, the operators now can have direct access to the stored image of the cheque as well as signature card ,during the time of verifying cheques. The end result is that the entire process of cheque signature verification is carried out at a faster rate, also being more accurate as well as cost-effective compared to that of any other manual process. CONCLUSION: A management information system is a process which necessitates the manager with the information required to manage an organization efficiently and effectively. MIS is considered an essential component of effective and reasonable business decisions. The report concludes that Management Information System is par beneficial to the Banks for its transaction. We have seen the cheque Clearing Process and the involvement of IT for the same.IT contribution to banking Sector has really facilitated fast communication and real time networking. The Signature Verification System ensure the security and thus maintains the faith of the customer. Thus, the degree of customer satisfaction is enhanced. Comment on the HDFC Bank HDFC Bank has done exceptionally well considering its enthusiasm in MIS. Along with NCR it has received many award for preforming excellent. IT has been falicitated with the Multi-Channel Capability award for using the NCR APTRA eMarketing solution by NCR. IT facilitated the customers; communication via email,mobile services etc. It has also received the best ATM Installation and Management Solution award for HDFC Bank adapting to the NCR APTRA eMarketing solution to enhance customer service, reduce ATM transaction times and operating costs, and increase new revenue channels through its ATM network. Thus, establishing such IT infrastructure has reduced cost of paper for letters and faster access to the services available. It has also enhanced the customer experience. But, a lot more can be done on security which can again expand the applications for the customers and will built a sense of trust for the same. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Effects of Scandinavian Immigration on Culture and Economy in Washi

Through research this document will examine how Scandinavians have affected the economy and culture of Washington. Exploration will explain why Scandinavian immigrants sought out life in the Northwest, particularly Washington. This paper will take in hand integration of the Scandinavian culture into the existing one. Research will show how the government and especially the railroad worked to endorse the influx of Scandinavian immigrants. They did this by using newspapers, promoters, and even return passage. Furthermore, this essay will look into some of the issues deriving from the loss of culture and language even though it was minimal and how it affected the success of integration. This essay will look into Scandinavian culture, letters from Scandinavian immigrants from around the Pacific Northwest. This paper will touch on Skiing, Fishing, Crabbing, and Dancing. Finally it will address how even immigrants arriving in Washington the late 1950’s have had an effect on th e culture of Washington today. The principal groups of immigrants into Washington State during the time period of 1895 to 1910 were Scandinavian immigrants, which includes Swedish, Danish and Norwegian people. Washington State by 1910 had greater numbers of immigrants than any other state of the union during 1910. At this time Washington had more immigrants than any other state; fifty percent of the state at that time was Scandinavian immigrants. The Scandinavians that came to Washington wanted to become Americanized. They worked hard at combining the best of their culture with the new culture. This also made the transition and culture shock that many emigrants experience was very minimal. (Dahlie, 1980) Washington from 1895 to 1910 had received more S... ...thers have been because it in the immigrants own words. The weakness is also that it is in their own words so the opinions may be biased. One can learn through these letters of the events that helped shaped the culture and economy of the PNW. Forssblad, M. (2001, August 15). the Free Online Encyclopedia of Washington State History. the Free Online Encyclopedia of Washington State History. Retrieved October 22, 2011, from This essay discusses the influx of Norwegian immigrants as well as their role is skiing logging boating and fishing. This resource is based on the archives in the Nordic Heritage Museum. The weakness with this resource is that it is just a short easy although it strength is it covers many aspects of how Norwegians helped develop Seattle.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams :: A Streetcar Named Desire Essays

It is the complexity of the main characters and their interactions that make A Streetcar Named Desire such a successful and challenging play. The play A Streetcar Named Desire made playwright Tennessee William's name and has deservedly since had over half a century of success. This remarkable success can be credited to the intricate characters and their interactions with each other. Sisters, Stella and Blanche have had an enjoyable upbringing on the family plantation, "Belle Reve". As the name suggests Stella and Blanche's time at "Belle Reve" was near perfect. Like all things perfect it had to come to an end. While Stella did the logical thing and left the 'beautiful dream' and married Stan, Blanche hung on to it unable to move on and face reality. Blanche comes to Stella in an unbalanced state of mind in need of her sister's aid. The impression is given that this isn't the first time Stella has been there to help Blanche through a time of trouble. As much as she needs her help and as much as she respects her, Blanche strongly disapproves of her sister's new life. Stella tolerates Blanche's continual criticism of her husband, home and friends very well. From this and many other incidents throughout the play we see what a tolerant and adaptable person Stella is. Stan and Stella's relationship is far from ideal. Stan is a violent man. On occasions he hits Stella, but comes after her to satisfy his sexual needs. This is not to say that Stella is unhappy in her marriage to Stan. She has adapted to the way of life in "Elysian Fields" where it's accepted that women have arguments with their husbands and as a result are hit by them. Eunice and Steve have a similar relationship it is normal. Despite their violent relationship Stella relies on Stan as much as he does on her. Stella really does need Stan and the security he provides, especially with a baby on the way. Even if she weren't expecting a child Stella would have a lot of trouble leaving Stan. She admits to Blanche that, "I can hardly stand it when he is away for a night†¦and when he comes back I cry on his lap like a baby". From the moment Blanche first came to stay at Stella and Stan's home she posed a threat to Stan. He was used to being the only one Stella cared for, the one who ruled her.

Four-Year College Course Essay

This is an essay on the vocation that I am going to take. College will be the turning-point in my life and four years of studies in the field of nursing will be very interesting as well as full of challenges and responsibilities. It will be years of hardships and sacrifices but the discipline will mold me into becoming a more mature individual, ready to take on the role of being a Registered Nurse, caring for ailing people, the elderly as well as sick children. This course will also mold me into a person with better interpersonal relationships with superiors, fellow nurses and family members of individuals needing care and attention. Four-Year College Course (Registered Nurse) Nursing is a noble profession in the healthcare industry. Since I was a child, I have always wanted to become a nurse. Now I am determined to pursue that dream. When I grew up and had a deeper understanding of things, I knew that nurses chose this vocation to have a greater purpose in life which is to care for ailing patients, give them comfort and hope as well as educate their family members so that they will be able to handle the sick when at home after hospital confinement. My passion to become a nurse intensified with that noble purpose in life. Now I have the opportunity to reach that goal. I always have that urge to help people. I have the compassion for taking care of sick individuals. I know that this is the vocation or profession where I can make a difference in people’s lives. I know for a fact that the education, training and discipline to become a nurse will be very challenging, full of hardships and sacrifices but I am willing to undergo these to obtain and improve my capability of being a nurse. Thus, this course will need courage and self-discipline to succeed. I know that I still need to learn about comprehensive scientific and medical knowledge, practical and clinical skills, communication and documentation skills, but I am ready to learn new things. The drive to take care of the sick is motivating me to learn to take care of them effectively, improving their condition. I am also attracted to become a nurse due to the huge demand in hospitals and the lack of adequate medical care. I am also interested in the different roles that a nurse does aside from relating with the patients. Dealing with superiors, fellow nurses and family members of the sick will be a challenge, too. This course will hone my interpersonal relationships with various types of people and personalities, making me a better person in the process. This is the best job I can imagine myself performing in the near future.. The role of providing assistance and technical activities that will facilitate healthcare management of a patient makes nurses an important component in the healthcare industry. Nurses also have crucial roles in saving lives. In addition, nurses help in the role of preventing diseases and complications among patients they handle. I would like then to share my capabilities in providing care and doing things for the good of mankind. For me, it would be very rewarding and fulfilling to do the role of easing the difficulties that ailing patients feel. Another driving force for me to become a nurse is the opportunity to teach and educate the patients’ families on how to take care of their sick at home by teaching them to identify illnesses, provide first aid and let them decide when to seek immediate medical attention based on the symptoms the patients will show. The role of educating people is priceless and surely it will give me satisfaction whenever I will be a nurse someday. By being a nurse, I will be guided by Dale Carnegie’s fundamental techniques in handling people which are: 1) not to criticize, condemn or complain; 2) to give honest and sincere appreciation; and, 3) to arouse in the other person an eager want or interest. With the above techniques in handling people, I will also enhance my interpersonal skills, not only with the patients but with my superiors or the physicians whom I am going to deal with. I know that the well-being and progress of the patients are not only dependent on the compassion and attention given to them but on the clear, concise and consistent communications between the nurse and the physician in administering medications. I believe that improving my communication skills will be crucial in being a successful nurse. After graduation, I will be taking licensure examinations that will legitimize my nursing profession and will make me eligible to practice this profession. With the high demand for nurses in the healthcare industry, I surely will not find it hard to find a job. With the skills and the discipline that I will obtain from a four-year nursing course in college, I am very confident that I will not find it hard to get employed and join those in the noble healthcare industry. Reference Carnegie, Dale. (1936). How to Win Friends and Influence People. December 12, 2007. Web site: http://www. westegg. com/unmaintained/carnegie/win-friends. html

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Vinegar as Alternative Battery

Vinegar as Alternative Battery An Investigatory Project Presented to The Faculty of the High School Department Surigao Education Center Km. 2, Surigao City _______________________________________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Physics IV _______________________________________________ By: Edradan, Dhaniel Jefferson Yaun, Mary Allyssa Concon, Leonel Galos, Jancirfil Jimena, Rimar Villarojo, Kerr March 2013 APPROVAL SHEET Vinegar as Alternative BatteryPrepared & Submitted by MARY ALLYSSA YAUN, DHANIEL JEFFERSON EDRADAN, LEONEL CONCON, JANCIRFIL GALOS, RIMAR JIMENA, KERR VILLAROJO has been examined and is recommended for approval and acceptance for ORAL EXAMINATION. GIOVANNI P. DOSANO Adviser ————————————————- PANEL OF EXAMINERS APPROVED by the committee on ORAL EXAMINATION with the grade of__ on February 2013. ZALDY P. BELOY, Ph. D _______________ _____ _________ Member Member ___________________Member ACCEPTANCE in partial fulfillment of the requirements for SCIENCE IV Acknowledgement There are a lot of people the researchers would wish to thank for their generous and unselfish help in realization of this study. First and foremost, Almighty God for giving the researchers the patience and perseverance to tackle the study; To their parents who gave them their full support, financially and morally. To Sir Giovanni Dosano, who became the researchers great and dearly research paper adviser who patiently helped and encourage them finish the study.The researchers salute for the continuous help and guidance. And most especially, Sir Zaldy P. Beloy, Ph. D. for helping the researchers to understand revise and emphasize the importance of the study. TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Pagei Approval Sheetii Acknowledgementiii Abstractiv Table of Contentsvi CHAPTER I: THE PROBLEM AND REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Introduction4 Review and Related literatur e5 Statement of the Problem5 Significance of the Study5 Scope of Limitations5 Definition of Terms7-8 CHAPTER II: METHODOLOGY Research Design9 Materials9 General Procedure9-10 Observation10Flow Chart of Methodology11 CHAPTER III: RESULTS AND ANALYSIS CHAPTER IV: SUMMARY, CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATION Summary13 Findings13 Conclusion13 Recommendation13 References14 APPENDICES15 CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Introduction We all know that the world is now facing an energy crisis and everyone is trying to do something about that. Now you can show everyone that electrical energy or electricity can be made from air and vinegar. After all, vinegar are freely available everywhere. Battery is a device that converts chemical energy directly to electrical energy.It consists of a number of voltaic cells; each voltaic cell consists of two  half-cellsconnected in series by a conductive electrolyte containing anions and cations. One half-cell includes electrolyte and the electrode to which  anions  (negatively charged ions) migrate, i. e. , the  anode  or negative electrode; the other half-cell includes electrolyte and the electrode to which  cations  (positively charged ions) migrate, i. e. , the cathode  or po sitive electrode. In the  redox  reaction that powers the battery, cations are reduced (electrons are added) at the cathode, while anions are oxidized (electrons are removed) at the anode.The electrodes do not touch each other but are electrically connected by the  electrolyte. Some cells use two half-cells with different electrolytes. A separator between half-cells allows ions to flow, but prevents mixing of the electrolytes. Vinegar is a solution of acetic acid and water. Acids donate H+ ions into a solution. The concentration of these ions is what determines whether a solution is a strong electrolyte (conductor) or a weak one. Since vinegar has a low concentration of acetic acid(about 5%) it only has a pH of only ~2. 4 and so is a weak acid.Review of Related Literature According to Doctor Sergey stated that vinegar have lots of electronic magnet cells that can because electricity will small megabytes. During the experimentation, the researchers found out that 4 pieces of calamodins are enough to light a certain bulb. It is also found out that a coin which is hot copper and copper wires are not the appropriate materials in making the experiment. Instead of the materials mentioned used the copper coin and alligator wire. The galvanized nail also matter in lightning the bulb. Use the 1. inches galvanized nail to balanced the flow of the current. Statement of the Problem The researchers aimed to answer the following: 1. How much amount of vinegar that can make the light emitting diode bulb light? 2. Can vinegar bean alternative battery? Significance of the Study This activity is done by the researcher with an important purpose. This activity is launched solely for the Fourth Year High school students of Surigao Education Center. Scope and Limitations This study focused only on commercial vinegar as an alternative source of energy. Definition of Terms Battery – a device consisting of one or more  electrochemical cells  that convert stored chemical  energy  into electrical energy. * Vinegar – a liquid substance consisting mainly of  acetic acid  (CH3CO2H) and  water, the acetic acid being produced through the  fermentation  of  ethanol by  acetic acid bacteria. * Electricity – is the set of physical phenomena associated with the presence and flow of  electric charge. * Acids – is a substance which reacts with a  base * Electric Source – a  physical property  of  matter  that causes it to experience a  force  when near other electrically charged matter. Cat ion – the ion in an electrolyzed solution that migrates to the cathode;  broadly  :  a positively charged ion * Anion – the ion in an electrolyzed solution that migrates to the anode;  broadly  :  a negatively charged ion | | * Anode – the electrode of an electrochemical cell at which oxidation occurs: as * Cathode –   the electrode of an electrochemical cell at which reduction occurs: * Current – a flow of electricity * Voltage – electric potential or potential difference expressed in  volts * Galvanized Nail – Galvanized  nails are a special type of  nail  used in construction.They have undergone a special galvanization  process, which involves covering them with a  zinc  coating in order to form a protective barrier. This barrier also works as a  sacrificial anode, which means the coating will dissolve before the metal inside does, if the barrier itself becomes damaged. * Copper Wire – Copper  has been used in  electric wiring  since the invention of the  electromagnet  and the  telegraph  in the 1820s. The invention of the  telep hone  in 1876 created further demand for copper wire as an electrical conductor. CHAPTER II METHODOLOGY Research DesignThe descriptive and experimental design was used in this study. Materials/Equipment * Vinegar (Commercial) * 1 meter Alligator Wires * 1. 5 inch Galvanized Nails * 1. 5 inch Copper wires * Tape * 2 Cups * Led bulb General Procedure A. Preparation on Materials 1. Prepare and check all the materials needed B. Set up the prepared materials 1. Share first the vinegar in packs 2. Fill the cups with vinegar 3. Then place a type at the top of the cups then put two different holes C. Connecting the wires 1. Attach the galvanized nail and copper wires both side. Do not allow the copper wire and galvanized nail touch each other. . Attach the alligator wire to the copper wires and galvanized nails 3. Attach the alligator clip to the bulb and it will light up. C1. Observation C2. Collection of Data C3. Tabulation C4. Evaluation C5. Conclusion Flow Chart of Methodology Conclus ion Tabulation Collection of Data Evaluation Observation Experimentation Setting up the Prepare Materials Preparation CHAPTER III RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table. 1 TRIAL| AMOUNT OF VINEGAR| OBSERVATION| 1| 200 ml| The led bulb haven’t produced light| 2| 400 ml| The led bulb still haven’t produced light| 3| 800 ml| The led bulb produced little light| | 1000 ml| The led bulb produced great light| Based on the table above, the researchers first prepared in trial with the amount of vinegar 200ml but it does not make the led bulb light. On the second trial, they prepared 400ml but again it does not work. By the third trial, with the amount of 800ml of vinegar, it only produced a little amount of light on the led bulb. On their last trial, they tried to use more vinegar with the amount of 1000ml, and then it already made the led bulb produced great light. CHAPTER IV SUMMARY, FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMENDATIONSIn this chapter the researchers will be giving the summary of th e findings of their study. The conclusions on the different problems that arose and to the recommendations on the kinds of improvement their readers can do in the near future. Summary With the use of vinegar it is proven effective when the copper wire and galvanized nail is inserted in it. Based on the observation of the researchers through experimentation it was proven that Vinegar can be an alternative battery and can be a good source of electricity and further justified based on the result of the study.Findings Based on the experiment conducted, the following were the findings of the study: 1. With the amount of 1000ml of vinegar, it can make the led bulb light with the use also of galvanized nail and copper wire 2. Vinegar contains small amounts of acetic acid that can make the led bulb light Conclusions Based on the findings the researchers have conducted, the researchers therefore conclude that vinegar can be an alternative battery and a good example of producing light.With th e galvanized nail and copper wire as the negative and positive the two components shouldn’t be attach with other with the flow of electricity there should only be one direction Recommendations The experiment is easy, you can spend lesser. This is recommended to all the people. By this study, a lot of people can get and get idea how to save money, and energy at home. Someday, vinegar will be a source of electricity. The researchers also recommend this to the following: * Students – this can help them to be their guide anf for them to try something new and develop their skills in investigatory. Teachers – to take this as an example to the students for them to encourage themselves to discover other kinds of alternative battery. The researchers recommend two title of further studies: 1. â€Å"Animal Urine as Alternative battery† 2. â€Å"Vinegar as a battery for Calculator† REFERENCES http://tag. wonderhowto. com/vinegar-battery/ http://hilaroad. com/c amp/projects/lemon/vinegar_battery. html http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=pq9NuvdLZaU&feature=gv http://www. termpaperwarehouse. com/search_results. php? query=vinegar+alternative+battery+ APPENDICES Vinegar as Alternative Battery Vinegar as Alternative Battery An Investigatory Project Presented to The Faculty of the High School Department Surigao Education Center Km. 2, Surigao City _______________________________________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Physics IV _______________________________________________ By: Edradan, Dhaniel Jefferson Yaun, Mary Allyssa Concon, Leonel Galos, Jancirfil Jimena, Rimar Villarojo, Kerr March 2013 APPROVAL SHEET Vinegar as Alternative BatteryPrepared & Submitted by MARY ALLYSSA YAUN, DHANIEL JEFFERSON EDRADAN, LEONEL CONCON, JANCIRFIL GALOS, RIMAR JIMENA, KERR VILLAROJO has been examined and is recommended for approval and acceptance for ORAL EXAMINATION. GIOVANNI P. DOSANO Adviser ————————————————- PANEL OF EXAMINERS APPROVED by the committee on ORAL EXAMINATION with the grade of__ on February 2013. ZALDY P. BELOY, Ph. D _______________ _____ _________ Member Member ___________________Member ACCEPTANCE in partial fulfillment of the requirements for SCIENCE IV Acknowledgement There are a lot of people the researchers would wish to thank for their generous and unselfish help in realization of this study. First and foremost, Almighty God for giving the researchers the patience and perseverance to tackle the study; To their parents who gave them their full support, financially and morally. To Sir Giovanni Dosano, who became the researchers great and dearly research paper adviser who patiently helped and encourage them finish the study.The researchers salute for the continuous help and guidance. And most especially, Sir Zaldy P. Beloy, Ph. D. for helping the researchers to understand revise and emphasize the importance of the study. TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Pagei Approval Sheetii Acknowledgementiii Abstractiv Table of Contentsvi CHAPTER I: THE PROBLEM AND REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Introduction4 Review and Related literatur e5 Statement of the Problem5 Significance of the Study5 Scope of Limitations5 Definition of Terms7-8 CHAPTER II: METHODOLOGY Research Design9 Materials9 General Procedure9-10 Observation10Flow Chart of Methodology11 CHAPTER III: RESULTS AND ANALYSIS CHAPTER IV: SUMMARY, CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATION Summary13 Findings13 Conclusion13 Recommendation13 References14 APPENDICES15 CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Introduction We all know that the world is now facing an energy crisis and everyone is trying to do something about that. Now you can show everyone that electrical energy or electricity can be made from air and vinegar. After all, vinegar are freely available everywhere. Battery is a device that converts chemical energy directly to electrical energy.It consists of a number of voltaic cells; each voltaic cell consists of two  half-cellsconnected in series by a conductive electrolyte containing anions and cations. One half-cell includes electrolyte and the electrode to which  anions  (negatively charged ions) migrate, i. e. , the  anode  or negative electrode; the other half-cell includes electrolyte and the electrode to which  cations  (positively charged ions) migrate, i. e. , the cathode  or po sitive electrode. In the  redox  reaction that powers the battery, cations are reduced (electrons are added) at the cathode, while anions are oxidized (electrons are removed) at the anode.The electrodes do not touch each other but are electrically connected by the  electrolyte. Some cells use two half-cells with different electrolytes. A separator between half-cells allows ions to flow, but prevents mixing of the electrolytes. Vinegar is a solution of acetic acid and water. Acids donate H+ ions into a solution. The concentration of these ions is what determines whether a solution is a strong electrolyte (conductor) or a weak one. Since vinegar has a low concentration of acetic acid(about 5%) it only has a pH of only ~2. 4 and so is a weak acid.Review of Related Literature According to Doctor Sergey stated that vinegar have lots of electronic magnet cells that can because electricity will small megabytes. During the experimentation, the researchers found out that 4 pieces of calamodins are enough to light a certain bulb. It is also found out that a coin which is hot copper and copper wires are not the appropriate materials in making the experiment. Instead of the materials mentioned used the copper coin and alligator wire. The galvanized nail also matter in lightning the bulb. Use the 1. inches galvanized nail to balanced the flow of the current. Statement of the Problem The researchers aimed to answer the following: 1. How much amount of vinegar that can make the light emitting diode bulb light? 2. Can vinegar bean alternative battery? Significance of the Study This activity is done by the researcher with an important purpose. This activity is launched solely for the Fourth Year High school students of Surigao Education Center. Scope and Limitations This study focused only on commercial vinegar as an alternative source of energy. Definition of Terms Battery – a device consisting of one or more  electrochemical cells  that convert stored chemical  energy  into electrical energy. * Vinegar – a liquid substance consisting mainly of  acetic acid  (CH3CO2H) and  water, the acetic acid being produced through the  fermentation  of  ethanol by  acetic acid bacteria. * Electricity – is the set of physical phenomena associated with the presence and flow of  electric charge. * Acids – is a substance which reacts with a  base * Electric Source – a  physical property  of  matter  that causes it to experience a  force  when near other electrically charged matter. Cat ion – the ion in an electrolyzed solution that migrates to the cathode;  broadly  :  a positively charged ion * Anion – the ion in an electrolyzed solution that migrates to the anode;  broadly  :  a negatively charged ion | | * Anode – the electrode of an electrochemical cell at which oxidation occurs: as * Cathode –   the electrode of an electrochemical cell at which reduction occurs: * Current – a flow of electricity * Voltage – electric potential or potential difference expressed in  volts * Galvanized Nail – Galvanized  nails are a special type of  nail  used in construction.They have undergone a special galvanization  process, which involves covering them with a  zinc  coating in order to form a protective barrier. This barrier also works as a  sacrificial anode, which means the coating will dissolve before the metal inside does, if the barrier itself becomes damaged. * Copper Wire – Copper  has been used in  electric wiring  since the invention of the  electromagnet  and the  telegraph  in the 1820s. The invention of the  telep hone  in 1876 created further demand for copper wire as an electrical conductor. CHAPTER II METHODOLOGY Research DesignThe descriptive and experimental design was used in this study. Materials/Equipment * Vinegar (Commercial) * 1 meter Alligator Wires * 1. 5 inch Galvanized Nails * 1. 5 inch Copper wires * Tape * 2 Cups * Led bulb General Procedure A. Preparation on Materials 1. Prepare and check all the materials needed B. Set up the prepared materials 1. Share first the vinegar in packs 2. Fill the cups with vinegar 3. Then place a type at the top of the cups then put two different holes C. Connecting the wires 1. Attach the galvanized nail and copper wires both side. Do not allow the copper wire and galvanized nail touch each other. . Attach the alligator wire to the copper wires and galvanized nails 3. Attach the alligator clip to the bulb and it will light up. C1. Observation C2. Collection of Data C3. Tabulation C4. Evaluation C5. Conclusion Flow Chart of Methodology Conclus ion Tabulation Collection of Data Evaluation Observation Experimentation Setting up the Prepare Materials Preparation CHAPTER III RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table. 1 TRIAL| AMOUNT OF VINEGAR| OBSERVATION| 1| 200 ml| The led bulb haven’t produced light| 2| 400 ml| The led bulb still haven’t produced light| 3| 800 ml| The led bulb produced little light| | 1000 ml| The led bulb produced great light| Based on the table above, the researchers first prepared in trial with the amount of vinegar 200ml but it does not make the led bulb light. On the second trial, they prepared 400ml but again it does not work. By the third trial, with the amount of 800ml of vinegar, it only produced a little amount of light on the led bulb. On their last trial, they tried to use more vinegar with the amount of 1000ml, and then it already made the led bulb produced great light. CHAPTER IV SUMMARY, FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMENDATIONSIn this chapter the researchers will be giving the summary of th e findings of their study. The conclusions on the different problems that arose and to the recommendations on the kinds of improvement their readers can do in the near future. Summary With the use of vinegar it is proven effective when the copper wire and galvanized nail is inserted in it. Based on the observation of the researchers through experimentation it was proven that Vinegar can be an alternative battery and can be a good source of electricity and further justified based on the result of the study.Findings Based on the experiment conducted, the following were the findings of the study: 1. With the amount of 1000ml of vinegar, it can make the led bulb light with the use also of galvanized nail and copper wire 2. Vinegar contains small amounts of acetic acid that can make the led bulb light Conclusions Based on the findings the researchers have conducted, the researchers therefore conclude that vinegar can be an alternative battery and a good example of producing light.With th e galvanized nail and copper wire as the negative and positive the two components shouldn’t be attach with other with the flow of electricity there should only be one direction Recommendations The experiment is easy, you can spend lesser. This is recommended to all the people. By this study, a lot of people can get and get idea how to save money, and energy at home. Someday, vinegar will be a source of electricity. The researchers also recommend this to the following: * Students – this can help them to be their guide anf for them to try something new and develop their skills in investigatory. Teachers – to take this as an example to the students for them to encourage themselves to discover other kinds of alternative battery. The researchers recommend two title of further studies: 1. â€Å"Animal Urine as Alternative battery† 2. â€Å"Vinegar as a battery for Calculator† REFERENCES http://tag. wonderhowto. com/vinegar-battery/ http://hilaroad. com/c amp/projects/lemon/vinegar_battery. html http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=pq9NuvdLZaU&feature=gv http://www. termpaperwarehouse. com/search_results. php? query=vinegar+alternative+battery+ APPENDICES

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Ambition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Ambition - Essay Example (Brim, pp. 11-12) The word ambition is often referred as aspiration and pretension, which relates it with the possibility of a higher authority influencing the individual to have a similar ambition in his life. Such practice has been very usual nowadays, as business tycoons inspire young business individuals to have ambition to be like them. On the other hand, high scope of electrical engineering motivates students to acquire an ambition to get a bachelor science degree in the similar field. Every individual is diverse in terms of thinking, and therefore, different ambitions can be seen in minds of people that work day and night to fulfill their ambitions. In other words, ambitions can be different; however, every ambition allows the individual to seek a level of advancement and improvement in his life. It is very important that a higher level of advancement should be sought by the individuals, in order to live a meaningful life. Moreover, humans are created in such a way that they require some level of desire for improvement, and therefore, ambition plays a significant role in the continuation of human lives. In a logical point of view, it is very important that an individual should desire for an advanced level. For instance, it has been observed that people with no ambition results in nothing but a machine that works when switches on and does not, when switched off. In other words, it is very imperative that daily life of individuals should be equipped with ambition, motivation, or aspiration, or else, there would be no use of intellect or other human capabilities. Thus, it is very imperative that the term ambition should be taken into logical consideration rather than just empirical manner, as human lives are based more on systematic and logical factors. Now, the paper will try to discuss some other perspectives that may support the earlier discussed definition of ambition. Ambition is often referred as motivation and aspiration, some

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Recommendation proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Recommendation proposal - Essay Example In this report, I give an explanation on better solution identified by the state welfare committee and present our findings after comparison of substance abuse mental disorder cases in the state. Together with the social welfare committee, we have considered the following solutions: There has been a big increase of substance mental disorder cases over the past couple of years. Excessive drinking of alcohol has been one of the major causes. This increase is attributed to ignorance, violation of rules controlling sale and drinking of alcohol not having effective public sensitization programs on dangers of abusing alcohol and lineament punishment to the offenders. The enforcement of laws that govern alcohol sale and consumption is a major step. This can de enhanced by employing more policemen and giving them relevant patrol facilities. This will deter the law breakers from going against the regulations that control alcohol sale and consumption. More social workers should be employed and trained to educate the public on the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption. In addition, the social worker should be empowered and facilitated by more training and finances to educate the public. Further, the social workers should innovate more ways to educate and create more forums to sensitize the public. There are bar attendants selling alcohol to patrons which are already drunk to maximize the profit. In addition, others extend the time limits contributing to an increase in excessive alcohol consumption. Laws should be enacted to give stiff penalties to these offenders to deter them violating the law. For the first offenders, the fines should be more and the second offenders’ licenses should be suspended and the offenders jailed. The fines for patron who engage in binge drinking should be more and repeat offenders should be taken to rehabilitation centers. There were 1040 cases of substance abuse mental disorder in 2012. Through recruiting more

Monday, October 7, 2019


DISCUSS THE IMPORTANCE OF USING GIS IN DISASTER MANAGEMENT AND THE HIGHLIGHT THE PROBLEMS OF MAPS FOR DISASTER MANAGEMENT - Essay Example While natural disasters are those that result due to natural calamities and human beings have lesser degree of control over, for example, earthquakes and hurricanes. Disasters can disrupt the whole routine and activities of the affected country, nation or city. It can result in serious accidents, mishaps and calamity. Therefore, it is essential that the disasters are processed, managed and useful steps be taken to ensure that the routine of the affected place can get back to normal (Mishra, pp. 172-173, 2002). Geography Information System, also known as GIS, is one of the effective methods of disaster management. This ensures that least of the wastages happen once after the disaster have taken place, or it completely tries to curb the foreseen disasters from happening altogether. GIS, is a method of looking into the geography, topography, of the affected place, or the vulnerable places to disaster so that effective methods of preserving the areas could be brought up to handle the sit uation in the best possible manners. GIS allows the Disaster Management Departments to closely look into the issues, recognize, examine and make trends of the issues that are occurring, through high technology softwares that helps the investigators to come up with the best possible and accurate results.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Summary, findings and opinions on the reading Essay

Summary, findings and opinions on the reading - Essay Example Each website an internet user visit during his or her browsing session usually facilitate to the achievement of some objectives that are beyond mere identification of independent visitors to the site (White and Kamal, 2012).This similarity amongst all websites makes it easy for any person to note their relations to each other. When different website are complementary like search engine and content website, then internet users willingness to visit the combination of these sites depend on the rate of advertisement of each site (White and Kamal, 2012).This means that the number of visitors each site get per a specified period depends on its advertisement policy and frequency. So each website should keenly develop its advertisement strategies in an effective manner to ensure it attract higher number of visitors. In scenarios where complementary sites act independently, then their total distraction from their advertising becomes too high thus discouraging many internet users from visiting these sites. This makes it hard for these sites to maximize their total profits from advertisements. Secondly when complementary sites decide to operate independently, they end up allocating inefficient demands to attract internet user’s attention. When there are two competing companies with constant marginal cost that provides customers with perfectly complementary components, then overall business gains can be maximized only when one of the companies decides to lower it price to equal it marginal cost and the other firm freely adopt optimal price (White and Kamal, 2012).However, this fact does not apply to website owners when they opt to distract internet user from using their site in their attempt to advertise their sponsors’ product. This means that forcing one of the complementary sites not to advertise does not necessarily maximize total profits of the complementary sites. In fact, it can lead to decline in total profits of the two complementary sites due to lac k of cooperation between them. While increased competition from a multiple complementary sites solves the problem of double marginalization, the competition, also leads to increased problem of mis'-marginalization. Effect of differentiation among content website To achieve greater efficiency, when the market is in equilibrium and all firms tend to behave non-cooperatively, and content website has relatively inefficient advertising technologies, then it is socially desirable that the website owners increase the number of content websites than the internet users induces to enter (White and Kamal, 2012). This is because an increase in the number of content websites shifts advertising away from the content websites to the more efficient search engine advertising technology. Effect of competition When two or more sellers who deals with complementary products engages in double marginalization, then to ensure that they all maximize profits, then they need to increase competition in all mar kets (White and Kamal, 2012).This is because if the market of one firm becomes perfectly competitive, then the other complementary firm can successfully charge a price that implements the optimum outcome of the industry as a whole. Otherwise if, a set of complementary websites, whose